Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Guidelines

In less than two weeks I'm returning home for the first time in almost five months. I still don't really have any friends in Texas yet, so I've created a small list to help me improve my time here. I'm looking to avoid going home for nine days and having something to do nonstop, and then come back to Texas and be at a loss for what to do.

These are things that I've been doing the last few days much more frequently:

1. Call my friends/family from back home.

This one sort of boils down to "if it ain't broke..." I already have friends, and though I need to look into making new ones, there's no point in leaving out the old ones. The conversations become a bit more "meaningful" since I'm not there to hang out all the time as well, which is a bonus.

2. Set up a date with Jordan in advance
(if you're following my guidelines I would highly recommend you choose your own boyfriend/girlfriend to schedule a date with)

It's nice to have something to look forward to instead of assuming that I'll hang out with her on my day off. It also makes it less of a chance that other things will come up and interrupt the plans.

3. Get out amongst people

I've found that I'm a social person, but I don't need to BE social with people at all moments. I just am able to be social when it's really, really called upon. So, instead of saying "I need to find new friends" and getting worried about how I'm going to do that; I'm just asking myself to get out amongst people in any situation. Generally what I do is hang out and read or practice magic at the mall. Being out amongst people is all I really need and perhaps I'll end up having a conversation or two as well.

4. Explore new places

This works great with the last guideline. I'm in a new State, so almost everything is new. I've been here on vacations, but there is so much more to explore or even revisit. In essence, I can still consider this to be a vacation (how wonderful is that?!) Where would I go if I were here on a short trip? I am also going to use this to find other places to hang around people. For example, a Panera Bread opened two exits down the freeway, so I'm going to go there once a week or so for breakfast and to read.

5. Find a place to walk/exercise

Exercise is an amazing thing. It gives you energy, keeps you healthy, and it can help you stay happy. It is also a great way to be out amongst people and to stay stimulated with a new environment.

These guidelines also purposefully do not involve money. They could, but they don't have to at all. I want to keep money in check in order to give me even MORE options to explore as well as to stay happier since my bills will be taken care of.

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